Market Structure and Maritime Competition Webinar Series – Do not miss your chance to get crucial insights into the maritime crisis!
The Global Supply Chain Classroom (GSCC), in partnership with FIATA, the International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations, is organizing a three-part webinar series on the critical topic of ‘Market Structure and Maritime Competition’, to address the ongoing maritime supply chain crisis impacting the global industry.
The first two sessions will be one-hour lectures delivered by top academic and industry experts and aim at providing participants with conceptual, in-depth background and historical knowledge. The third and final session, lasting 90 minutes will be a high-level panel that will offer insights into possible solutions to tackle the crisis.
By attending this three-part webinar, participants will gain the critical tools to fully grasp the current maritime crisis, and better understanding of how it may be addressed at a global level. For more information about the session topics, see https://fiata.org/what-we-do/training/maritime-webinar-series.html
Session overview
Each session has been carefully crafted to provide a perfect balance between academic and practitioners’ views, which will equip participants with useful tools to understand current issues affecting the maritime sector and use in their daily activities. The webinars will be interactive – leading with lecture or discussions, followed by Q&A sessions between participants and speakers. They will be moderated by FIATA Senior Vice President and Working Group Sea Transport Chair, Mr. Jens Roemer.
Session 1 – Thursday, 28 April 2022, 12:00-13:00 CEST – online (Zoom)
The Structure of Maritime Supply Chains: A History of Path Dependency
This session will provide a review of recent history of market consolidation and vertical integration in container shipping.
• Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue, Hofstra University, New York
Session 2– Tuesday, 10 May 2022, 12:00-13:00 CEST – online (Zoom)
Market structure: issues affecting the global maritime supply chain
This session will focus on the actual impacts of the container shipping industry on the global supply chain and other sectors of the economy.
• Mr. Jonathan Gold, V.P. Supply Chain and Customs Policy, National Retail Federation, USA
• Dr. Theo Notteboom, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Session 3 – Friday, 20 May 2022, 11:30-13:00 CEST – hybrid (Zoom/Geneva)
Moving Forward: What Solutions to the Crisis?
This third session taking place during the 2022 FIATA Headquarters Meeting in Geneva, will be a high-level panel. Building on the two previous session’s conceptual tools, the discussions will be resolutely policy-oriented. The event will engage high level speakers in a collaborative dialogue and with the industry about possible solutions to ensure a fully competitive and efficient maritime supply chain. The panel composition will ensure representation of a variety of views and perspectives.
• Commissioner Rebecca F. Dye, Federal Maritime Commission, USA
• Dr. Wang Wei, Director General, Institute of Market Economy, Development Research Centre of the State Council, China
• Mr. Henrik Morch, Director General Competition, Director for Transport, European Commission
• Representative from Region Africa and Middle East (TBC)
Who should participate?
Faculty members and students in GSCC affiliated programs who want to get a thorough understanding of the current maritime supply chain crisis and its impacts on the logistics sector, and possible solutions to overcome the crisis.
Registration and Fees
Contact us at [email protected] to receive free registration for GSCC students and educator partners.
Webinar certificate
Participants will receive a FIATA/GSCC electronic certificate of attendance at the end of the webinar series. A paper version of the certificate may be issued upon request for an additional fee covering the shipping costs.
About Global Supply Chain Classroom
The Global Supply Chain Council (GSCC) is a sustainable platform for global educators, professionals, and academic institutions for delivering global supply chain education at the college and university levels. GSCC’s education, training, and certification programs leverage its international network of educators to provide global perspectives and resources to enhance the supply chain industry. www.gscclass.com
FIATA International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations is a nongovernmental, membership-based organization representing freight forwarders in some 150 countries. FIATA’s membership is composed of 111 Associations Members and more than 5,500 Individual Members, overall representing an industry of 40,000 freight forwarding and logistics firms worldwide. Based in Geneva, FIATA is ‘the global voice of freight logistics’ www.fiata.org